Friday 25 May 2012

Genestealer Cult - First Generation Hybrids

Following a quick trip to GW today I now have most of the parts to put together what I think will turn out to be pretty good first generation hybrids. I'm going to use Crypt Ghouls in the main, mixed in with extra arms. Here's an early blu tacked experiment:

On a trawl for internet inspiration I came across this great old diagram showing the different generational stages:

I'm not going to follow this exactly but it does give a good indication of the levels of mutation at each stage. Thanks to the gods of eBay I have another genestealer sprue on the way with plenty of heads on, some of which may well make it onto first generation models.


  1. That looks pretty good I think. Not like the original, but probably the best approximation one could reasonably manage without those OOP parts.

    Not sure about the talons though. This may be because Genestealers never used to have talons, so I've never seen a Hybrid with talons before. The good old-fashioned hands and claws are more traditional - though you could, of course, claim to have updated the Hybrid to what one would look like now.

    That aside, they look rather large on this model - I assume Ghouls are significantly smaller than Genestealers.

    1. The scale of the arms isn't that mismatched actually, I think that photo makes it look more than it is. The genestealer mythos from Rogue Trader and 2e - before they became subsumed into Tyranid lore - is quite open about the appearance of the hybrids, so I'm happy with them looking this way. In my mind the hybrids shouldn't be 'neat' at all. I think of them more like the twisted results of genetic mutation rather than the linear mixing of attributes / physicality.

  2. It might be an idea to butcher some plastic Space Hulk 1e/2e genestealers for their claw 'hands'. They can't be all that expensive on eBay, plus you'd also get the legs and heads etc. for use with other hybrids.

    1. I have a number of the old genestealers so I will probably do just that. Also, I plan to experiment with my instant mold to see if I can produce some other bits.


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