This is from Engima miniatures Massive Darkness range and is actually called a ‘skull dwarf’, although it’s much taller than the average stunty and should therefore fit neatly into one of his marauder units. I lopped off one of his arms and replaced it with the massive chaos sword from the GW manticore kit and put together a simple cork’n’bits base to raise him above the rabble.
Although there was some altruism is doing the model as a gift it also provided a good opportunity to experiment with a number of paints and techniques that I’ve been wanting to try out for a while. The armour, for example, is Birdwing Copper from the D&R pearlescent range, built up with multiple washes and glazes, including the new Citadel orange wash and Model Color’s Vergitas glaze, both of which are very flexible and effective.

This isn’t exactly as I’d like it to be, but I’m pleased enough with both the model and my paint job to consider this a success. One thing that I’ve noted above all is that my loose and multi-layered approach is pretty much entirely open ended. I know the old saying that ‘a work of art is never finished, merely abandoned’ and that seems the case here when you stray away from the paint scheme formulae presented in The Big GW Book Of Painting Space Marines (And Such)… you know the kind of thing. Anyway, I’m messing around this evening with a base then wash-glaze-wash-glaze-wash… approach that seems reasonably swift and still kind of arty. We shall see how this works out during the month of May…
I can't believe this has no comments, this is a top-notch work, it looks like the guy has been brought to life from some old skool artwork. And it's a Spanish miniature, so what more can I say... bravo!
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy, very kind of you to say!