Screaming mouths, crucifixion, death and lone figures in boxed isolation: it can only be Francis Bacon. In terms of his grim themes of existential angst, I think Bacon truly is an artist that can inspire dystopian fantasy work. The extremities and absurdities of the human condition - which I would argue should be at the core of grim fantasy and science fiction - are laid bare in emphatically bleak style through his paintings. As with other artists I've written about this month, it is the placement of colour that perhaps inspires me the most. And with Bacon, we can see the grotesque shadow running through the spine of all humanity: the utter fruitlessness of existence. How could such honesty not be appealing? Is it not the melancholy truth of decay, demise and ultimate extinguishment that inspires every act of beauty and horror ever committed?
The work of Francis Bacon disturbs one soul. The sheer pain and horror that he injects into his work is what has always captured my imagination. Really dig the series you have going here. Just wish I found it sooner.